Potco set zombie tsearch
Potco set zombie tsearch

potco set zombie tsearch

potco set zombie tsearch

Then, all of the sudden, the candle went out. "Odd." He said to himself, noting the now rapidly flickering candle. Then, he looked back at the candle, his head slightly tilted in curiosity. He let go of the book, somewhat disappointed in the lack of death and fear that should have been eminating from the book. He put it down in front of himself and sat on his chair. "Only one way to find out." Jacklyn brought the book to a table in his room he used as a desk.


What if it caused 1000 years of bad juju? What if his family would drop dead? What if 237 years later, the next generation would be full of idiots? "Oh well" He said with a sigh. He was about to open it when he hesitated. He found it stuffed beneath his mattress. He closed "The Indubitable Romans," and headed to his room. While he usually tried to avoid the book, tonight, Jacklyn decided he would have a peak at it. He then got home, translated the large markings across the front cover, and then hid the book, hoping no one would ever find it. He was familiar with many of them, but not all). He hoped the guards wouldn't see it, especially the rather large brute that guarded the Fort (Jacklyn resided on Port Royal, so he saw guards more than often. He grabbed it and quickly slipped it in the pocket of his coat. The large ones across what he assumed was the front cover read "Spellbook Of Stuff." He didn't know what word was after "Of" so he simply assumed it said "Stuff." Jacklyn had found the book while heading home to his house from school one day. He understood the markings clearly, but he only bothered to translate the large ones across the front. Jacklyn only knew it was voodoo because he recognized the scribbles across it as markings. It wasn't specifically illegal, it's just that once you started using it, bad things would usually happen. Since the Great Pirate War, voodoo had been disposed of. The problem was, however, was that it was voodoo. It's not that he wasn't interested in it He was extremely curious about its contents. It had some ancient text scribbled along the covers and up the spine. There was, however, one book that stuck out to him. Some fictuous and odd, other realistic and action-filled. He looked to them to keep him entertained, and for the most part, they did (with the exception of a few regarding the Spanish and how they "conquered everything." Jacklyn assumed the man who wrote these was insane.). Books were now his best and only friends. Soon, it had gotten to the point where Jacklyn decided it would be more helpful if he shut everyone out. He was pushed, shoved, punched, and pinched by large bruting boys with much lower levels of knowledge. However, he was constantly put down by his peers at school because of his higher intelligence. He was viewed as very intelligent for an boy that was merely 11 years of age. Unlike other boys his age, he'd rather be reading than running around throwing rocks at one another nonsensically. He had not many friends, as he mainly surrounded himself with books. "This Cannonwalker fellow is hilarious!" Jacklyn said aloud. The book had the words "The Indubitable Romans" scribed across the spine. A young boy by the name of Jacklyn sat snug by a fireplace, reading a book. He had cursed, banished, zombified, or simply killed any pirate he managed to get between his bony fingers. Some in combat, others from natural causes (and by natural causes I mean giant scorpions and huge wasps), but the undeniable truth was that most had been lost to the villain that was known as Jolly Roger. The Great Pirate War, as it had come to be known, between pirates, Jolly Roger's mighty army, and many countries ended 20 years ago. The year is 1777, and the world is at peace. Prologue (Be wary of boredom, it's a long prologue) AND NO, THIS IS NOT A ZOMBIE SURVIVAL STORY. 4.1 TO BE CONTINUEDDDDDDDDDD.PROBABLY.īEFORE THIS STARTS SOMETHING, THE EVENTS IN THIS STORY ARE ENTIRELY FANON.4 Chapter 2: Family Reunions (Not really).3 Chapter 1: New Beginnings (Rotten, smelly, undead beginnings).2 Prologue (Be wary of boredom, it's a long prologue).1 BEFORE THIS STARTS SOMETHING, THE EVENTS IN THIS STORY ARE ENTIRELY FANON.

Potco set zombie tsearch